One Day University
Fascinating talks by over 300 remarkable professors
chosen from 150 top-tier schools.
One Day University Seattle Times Series
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On November 15, 16, and 17, One Day University will be presenting three remarkable talks featuring award-winning professors from across the country.
Each talk will air from 5:30 – 6:30 PST and is about 45 minutes with a 15 minute Q&A session. We hope you’ll join us for one, two, or all three of these talks and rediscover the joy of lifelong learning.
A link to view the talks will be sent to all registrants prior to each session.
The talks are FREE thanks to The Seattle Times and AARP Washington, but you must register.
All courses are from 5:30 – 6:30PM PST

Why Some People are Resilient and Others are Not
Andrew Shatté / University of Arizona
In this fast-paced presentation session Dr. Andrew Shatté will lead you on a tour of the big questions in the psychology of resilience. Why does one person overcome adversity while another falls into helplessness? What are the 7 ingredients that make up resilience – and do you have them? Thinking habits have an enormous impact on resilience. In just an hour students will gain insight into their thinking styles and learn about the impact they can have on success, happiness, and health. Dr. Shatté will show you how to boost resilience with case studies from his work in large corporations and the public sector. And in the final moments of the workshop, he’ll even reveal the biggest secret to a life of resilience!

The Artistic Genius of Leonardo da Vinci
Denise Budd / Columbia University
When considering artistic geniuses in the Italian Renaissance, the individuals who most commonly come to mind are the great triad of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael. These three often contentious rivals have been categorized as Universal Men, gifted in many arts and areas of intellectual pursuit. However, it is Leonardo who is most often imagined in this multifaceted way, as artist, scientist, engineer, and musician. This course will discuss Leonardo’s career, examining several of his most canonical works, as well as considering his most ambitious plans that never came to fruition.

Rosa Parks: Her True Story and Legacy
Brenna Wynn Greer / Wellesley College
Rosa Parks was established as an organizer and activist in Montgomery, Alabama long before her arrest in 1955 for refusing to relinquish her seat to a white man on a segregated city bus. In the popular narrative, however, she is a work-weary seamstress whose “tired feet” compelled her to break character and single-handedly launch the modern civil rights movement. For over two decades now, historians have been writing against the conception of Parks as an accidental activist. Still, the symbolic version of Parks persists and fuels larger myths about the civil rights movement. In this presentation, Professor Greer explores how Parks’ media representation encouraged an iconic image that, while celebratory and inspiring, is at odds with her record fighting Jim Crow and its many abuses and informs current day notions about black protest.