Harry Truman: The Complicated Story of an Unexpected President

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Duration 01:08:18

Lynn University

Robert Watson is an award-winning author, professor, historian, and analyst for numerous media outlets. He has published over forty books on history and politics, five works of fiction, and hundreds of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, and reference essays. He also serves as the series editor for the scholarly book anthology on the American presidency published by the State University of New York and as the editor of The American Presidents and American First Ladies. He serves as Distinguished Professor of American History, Avron Fogelman Eminent Research Professor, and Director of Project Civitas at Lynn University and as Senior Fellow at the Florida Joint Center for Citizenship.



Harry Truman grew up in Independence, Missouri, and during World War I was sent to France as a captain in the Field Artillery. He went on to become the 33rd president of the United States from 1945 to 1953, succeeding upon the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt after serving as Vice President.  Truman was the epitome of an ordinary person who rose to extraordinary heights during one of the most critical periods in our history. This talk will discuss how this former farmer and haberdasher who lacked a college degree became one of our greatest presidents, his unique decision style, and lessons from Truman’s leadership relevant for us all today. Along the way, Professor Watson will share some funny Trumanisms!



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Great lecture

8 months ago
Marguerite Hurd

Great lecture.

8 months ago
Marguerite Hurd

Thoroughly enjoyed learning in depth about president Truman.

8 months ago
Audrey Steuer

Terrific lecture!

This lecture was fascinating and fun. Professor Watson livened the presentation with many humorous anecdotes as he shared so many unknown or less frequently discussed facts. Dr. Watson also answered all of the questions as fully as time allowed. A real treat!

8 months ago
Elizabeth Pentacoff

Fabulous lecture!

What amazing stories! I learned so much about Truman. I can’t wait to take more of this professor’s classes.

7 months ago
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